Saturday, 20 November 2010


' interaction design bridges the gap between man and machine '

- Interaction Design
Interaction plays a big role and is constantly challenged. It is always evolving with new products being created.
It is mainly based on the interaction between users and computers.

- Goal Driven Design
Research is needed to see what the user demands, this is them implemented within the creation of interface. Which also allows
feedback from the user.

- Interface Is Magic
Interaction design should be as easy as 1,2,3. It shouldn't take a long time to load so that your users do not even recognise it as being an interface.

- Usability
If the interface is easy to use and understand then the interaction design is favoured.

- Affordances
The best interaction designs speak for themselves. For example a button should look like a button and a link should look like a link.

- Learn-ability
A strong knowledge of affordances create an easy learn-ability for the user. The interface should be easy to learn and straight foward.

- What Interaction Designers Actually Do
To know who exactly you are designing for and set a goal in place. Either independently or with other Interaction Designers create a strategy - this will allow you to include all possible interactions needed.

- Identify and Wire Frame
Key interactions are sketched either using pen and paper or even software's.

- Prototype Interactions
Designers may use xhtml/css prototypes, paper or protocasting.

- Stay Current
Technology is always evolving and by keeping updated this keeps designers current, by searching new interaction websites and keeping up with the latest gadgets and new HTML5.

- Summary
In conclusion an interaction designer is a professional that concentrates on designing interfaces for users so that they are easy to use and up to date with new technology. Interaction designers are always evolving their work and they way it fits in with the industry. The main aim is to create an interface that is easy to use and serves a purpose.

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